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Chatbot vs live chat: Which is better for customer service?

Updated: July 23, 2024
Chatbot vs live chat: Which is better for customer service?
Chatbot vs live chat: Which is better for customer service?

The digital customer service realm constantly juggles the chatbot vs live chat debate. As businesses pivot in the live chat vs chatbot puzzle, they’re eager to pinpoint the optimal way to foster genuine connections and resolve inquiries promptly. This exploration of chatbots vs live chat aims to distill the essence of each method, guiding businesses through the maze of today’s customer service choices. In the heart of the chatbot live chat discussion lies the question: which tool truly resonates with today’s consumer? This article aims to find an answer.

We’ve all been there — typing away feverishly on a chatbox, seeking an immediate response. But have you ever paused to wonder if you’re conversing with a human or an AI-driven chatbot? Once dubbed the ‘future’ of customer service, Chatbots have not merely arrived; they’re orchestrating a revolution, streamlining operations, and offering 24/7 support. Meanwhile, live chats persistently champion the human touch, giving customers a personal, real-time connection. Both mediums have their merits, but it’s vital to discern which approach aligns best with your business ethos in this era where customer service can make or break a brand.

A survey reported that over 67% of consumers worldwide had interacted with chatbots for customer support in the past year. In contrast, some insights highlighted that live chat can increase conversions by nearly 20%. With such compelling stats and insights, let’s explore the intricacies of chatbot and live chat interfaces and which might serve your business best.

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Chat support in the digital era

As 2023 winds down, there’s no missing the dramatic transformation in how businesses connect with their customers. A major player in this shift? Chat support. Believe it or not, nearly 41% of consumers expect to see a chat option when they visit a website, and 48% of consumers are warming up to chatbots.

Here’s why chat support is more than just a passing fad:

Right here, right now: We live in a world of instant gratification, and waiting isn’t in our vocabulary anymore. Be it a person or a friendly chatbot; chat support offers the real-time answers we all crave, building a bridge of trust with customers.

Lean on automation for the basics: Imagine if our hard-working customer service reps didn’t have to answer the same questions repeatedly. Thanks to chatbots, they can focus on trickier issues while bots handle the everyday stuff. It’s teamwork at its finest!

Stay consistent across the board: Remember the last time you had to repeat your issue to five different people on a customer helpline? With chat support, that’s history. Whether you’re dropping a DM on social media, sending an email, or making a good old-fashioned phone call, the experience feels seamless.

Rise above the rest: In a world bursting with brands, the little things make a difference. By offering top-notch chat support, businesses can go that extra mile, ensuring customers always leave smiling.

What is live chat?

Live chat bridges businesses and customers through real-time dialogue. It’s a tool anchored by human agents, from sales assistants to support teams. To be effective, it necessitates a personalized touch. Embedded across platforms, from websites to social media, a chat widget facilitates these immediate exchanges. Armed with training, FAQs, and customer data, agents efficiently address diverse inquiries via live chat.

What are chatbots?

Chatbots, while offering real-time engagement like live chat, are powered by bots. They’re mainly of two types: rule-based and AI-driven. While rule-based bots operate within set guidelines, AI-driven bots harness machine learning and NLP for more organic conversations. Chatbots shine in automation, adeptly handling routine questions and even detailed product inquiries. Their evolving AI capabilities enable them to tackle intricate queries with increasing finesse, positioning them as an enticing tool for businesses prioritizing efficiency and customer engagement.

Chatbot vs live chat: Key comparisons

When navigating the intricate maze of customer support mechanisms, businesses often weigh the merits of chatbots against those of live chat. Each, with its distinct features, promises efficiency, speed, and quality. To offer a nuanced perspective, we present an in-depth comparison, subtly highlighting the advantages of chatbots without diminishing the value of human-driven live chats.

While live chat brings the invaluable element of human empathy and personal touch to conversations, chatbots promise rapid response times and efficiency powered by automation and, in some cases, artificial intelligence. The choice between the two isn’t binary; often, their combined strengths offer an unmatched support experience.

Chatbot vs live chat: A detailed comparison

AspectAI ChatbotLive chat
Availability24/7 without any breaksLimited by agent availability
Response timeImmediate responsesDependent on agent availability
ScalabilityCan handle multiple queries simultaneouslyLimited to a few chats per agent
PersonalizationUses data to provide personalized responses, instantlyDepends on agent’s knowledge, and needs time to sieve through data and personalize
ConsistencyOffers consistent information every timeCan vary based on agent
Learning & evolutionLearns from interactions and improvesRequires training and sessions
MultitaskingManages many tasks like booking, FAQs, etc.Mostly focused on one task at a time
Cost-effectivenessOne-time investment with long-term returnsRecurring costs (salaries, training, replacement, physical operating space, hardware)
Language & localizationCan be programmed in multiple languagesRequires multilingual agents
Integration & automationEasily integrates with existing CRM, ERP systemsMight need manual data entry
Error handlingCan be programmed for efficient error handlingDependent on agent’s proficiency

How to choose between live chat and chatbot?

When choosing a digital customer service method, businesses struggle with deciding between live chat and chatbots. This is not a one-size-fits-all answer. The ideal choice depends on the specific needs, goals, and constraints of your business. By understanding the strengths and limitations of each, you can strategically implement one or both to enhance your customer support system. 

Let’s examine these attributes closely.

1. 24/7 support:

Chatbot > Live chat

Consumers seek instant solutions at all hours in our modern, interconnected world. Chatbots offer uninterrupted service, tirelessly attending to queries anytime, including nights, weekends, and holidays. This consistency ensures you never miss a potential lead or support request.

While 24/7 live chat support is possible, it comes with logistical challenges. Considering time zones and the practicality of scheduling human agents to work round-the-clock, chatbots have become the ideal choice for businesses aiming to provide global, continuous support.

2. Implementation time and ease of use:

Live chat = Chatbots

The misconception that chatbots are complex to set up is fading. Today’s robust platforms, like, have demystified chatbot implementation, offering intuitive templates that businesses can deploy seamlessly. Most chatbot interfaces are designed to be user-friendly, allowing even non-tech-savvy individuals to manage and train their bots.

On the other hand, live chat systems are also straightforward to integrate into websites and platforms. The learning curve for agents is minimal, especially with the plethora of training resources available. The convergence of features between the two makes the decision less about ease of use and more about the specific functionality your business requires.

3. Handling complex issues:

Live chat > Chatbots

No machine can replicate the nuanced understanding, empathy, and creativity of a human being. For issues demanding detailed explanations or when a customer is emotionally charged, a live agent’s touch can make all the difference. They can adapt to the conversation’s tone, offer reassurance, and think outside the box.

While increasingly sophisticated, chatbots sometimes stumble over sarcasm, humor, or unique phrasings. Yet, they’re programmed to recognize their limitations and can seamlessly redirect users to a human agent when faced with a query outside their purview.

4. Customer satisfaction and loyalty:

Live chat = Chatbots

Customers prioritize efficient, accurate solutions. Many don’t mind if a bot or a human provides the answer as long as their issue is resolved promptly. Consistent, positive interactions, whether through a chatbot or live chat, cement brand loyalty.

When used correctly, both tools can leave customers feeling valued and heard, fostering an environment that encourages repeat business and brand advocacy.

5. Instant response:

Chatbots > Live chat

Patience is in short supply in today’s digital world. Customers expect near-instantaneous responses. 90% of consumers say rapid response is vital to good customer service. Here, chatbots reign supreme, addressing queries without any lag. This immediate assistance enhances user experience, making them more likely to engage with your brand in the future.

While live agents aim to respond swiftly, they’re bound by human constraints. During peak times or when faced with multiple simultaneous chats, delays are inevitable. However, with chatbots, you eliminate the risk of keeping customers waiting.

6. Personalized responses:

Live Chat > chatbots

A genuine connection can be a game-changer in customer service. Live agents, with their capacity for empathy and improvisation, can tailor responses to the emotional state of the customer, fostering a deeper bond.

Although AI-powered chatbots can offer a degree of personalization, using past interactions or CRM data to tailor responses, they can’t fully replicate the human ability to connect emotionally and provide genuine empathy.

7. Cost-efficient:

Chatbots > Live chat

From a financial standpoint, chatbots present an appealing proposition. Once set up, their operational costs are minimal, unlike live chat, which involves recurring expenses like salaries and training. Chatbots can provide significant cost savings, especially for startups or businesses on a tight budget, while offering quality support.

8. Agent productivity:

Chatbot > Live chat

By letting chatbots handle repetitive and straightforward queries, you free up your live agents to tackle more complex issues. This efficient division of labor ensures that your human resources are utilized optimally, focusing on tasks that truly require their expertise.

How can live chat and chatbots be used together?

Effective customer support is not about pitting live chat against chatbots but instead harnessing their collective strengths. When integrated cohesively, these tools can seamlessly amplify your customer service, merging the efficiency of AI with the empathy of the human touch.

1. Add a live chat widget powered by chatbots

Integrating a live chat widget backed by chatbot technology is the first step. This fusion ensures that your customers receive immediate responses while collecting invaluable data. By analyzing customer interactions, you not only gain insights into common concerns but can also fine-tune your chatbot’s efficiency for better user experiences.

2. Identify common questions and areas that can be handled by bots

Many chatbot templates are readily available, each optimized to manage specific conversational threads. To bolster the bot’s prowess, permit it to undergo self-training using your company’s data archives. By doing so, you’re arming the bot with the resources to discern various customer intents, allowing it to respond aptly.

3. Configure live chat bot assistants that operators can trigger manually

Equip your live chat agents with the power to initiate select bots manually. It enhances their ability to address even the most complex customer queries. By feeding historical chat data into your AI engine, your chatbot evolves. Leveraging machine learning, it identifies patterns by recognizing similar customer intents and thus produces the most appropriate responses.

4. Leave an option to contact your human reps and set up notifications

There’s no one-size-fits-all in customer service. Recognizing this, always incorporate a clear “Talk to an agent” option. For those times when a customer’s query ventures beyond the chatbot’s scope, this direct line to human assistance becomes crucial. Enhance this feature with a notification system for your customer support team, ensuring no customer query goes unnoticed.

5. Monitor your results

The road to impeccable customer service is paved with continuous learning. Regularly monitor your key performance indicators, especially those related to customer satisfaction. Encouraging user feedback is another avenue to refine your chatbot strategy. As you gather more insights, the bot’s intelligence deepens, making it an even more robust tool in your customer service arsenal.

Improve KPIs with live chat and chatbots

Optimizing your customer service goes beyond just integrating live chat and chatbots. It requires keeping a keen eye on the right Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). These metrics provide valuable insights into the efficiency and effectiveness of your support framework.

1. First response time (FRT)

First response time (FRT) gauges the immediacy of your service. It pinpoints the interval from when a customer voices a query to when your representative or bot issues the initial response. Observing spikes in FRT? It is time to dive deeper into workflow bottlenecks or offer additional training to your agents to ensure timely interactions.

2. Average resolution time (ART)

Average resolution time highlights the duration it takes for a chat to conclude successfully. Scouring through chat transcripts can provide valuable insights. By understanding the flow of past conversations, you can discern if drawn-out dialogues affect customer perseverance and, consequently, their satisfaction.

3. Chat to conversion rate (CCR)

Forrester highlights the significance of timely query resolution. With half of your potential customers potentially turning away due to delayed responses, the immediacy of live chat and chatbots becomes paramount. Such real-time interventions enhance customer experience and bolster your conversion metrics.

4. Churn rate (CR)

The customer churn rate encapsulates the proportion of users who drift away within a stipulated period. It’s a direct barometer of your chat services’ effectiveness. A rising churn might hint at underlying issues in your chatbot or live chat interactions, necessitating a review of strategy and content.

5. Customer satisfaction (CS)

Elevated customer satisfaction is the holy grail for businesses, serving as a testament to service quality. To bolster this metric:

  • Prioritize swift problem resolution
  • Ensure that commitments to customers are consistently met
  • Broaden accessibility by diversifying your contact channels
  • Set clear and achievable benchmarks for your support team to foster continual improvement

Run your chat support with

Navigating the complex world of chat support can be daunting, but with, businesses are offered a suite of features designed to elevate the entire experience. One standout capability is the platform’s no-code builder, which empowers even those without a technical background to design, iterate, and launch chatbots tailored to their unique needs.

Diversity in communication is another key strength. With, businesses can tap into a truly omnichannel presence. Whether your customers are on web chat, social media platforms, or even voice assistants, ensures you’re there, offering a unified and consistent support experience.

Language barriers? They’re virtually non-existent here. boasts multilingual support in over 135 languages and dialects, both voice and chat. This isn’t just about understanding different languages but about embracing the nuances and subtleties that come with them, ensuring customers worldwide feel understood and valued.

Furthermore, the platform’s Chat widget is customizable to resonate with your brand’s identity. The preview and deployment process is streamlined, ensuring businesses have an effortless experience. Integrating DynamicNLPTM technologies by means you get a chatbot and an intelligent entity ready to enhance every interaction.

Did you know, is helping enterprises pioneer fully autonomous zero-touch customer support, with a proven track record of over 90% automation, a 50% increase in agent productivity, and a 30% reduction in average handling time?


The marriage of technology with customer support is necessary in today’s customer support landscape. Whether it’s the efficiency of chatbots or the personal touch of live chats, integrating these tools is instrumental for businesses striving for excellence. With platforms like, businesses are not just equipped but empowered. Dive into this digital transformation and ensure your customers are met with promptness and precision.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

What is the difference between a chatbot and live chat?

A chatbot operates based on algorithms, scripts, or AI, offering automated responses, while live chat involves real-time human interaction. The former offers 24/7 service without human intervention, while the latter ensures a personalized touch in conversations.

Which one is more cost-effective: implementing a chatbot or having live chat support?

In the long run, chatbots tend to be more cost-efficient. They eliminate the continuous costs associated with hiring and training human agents, making them a favorable choice for businesses looking at the bigger picture.

Can a chatbot replace human customer support agents in all scenarios?

While chatbots have made significant strides in automating customer support, completely replacing human agents in all scenarios isn’t yet feasible. Chatbots, especially when powered by Generative AI, can drive ‘zero touch’ customer support, efficiently handling a vast majority of common queries and tasks autonomously. This shifts the customer support paradigm from being traditionally reactive to highly proactive. However, there will always be unique situations or emotionally-sensitive cases that benefit from the human touch.

What are the advantages of using a chatbot over live chat support?

Chatbots guarantee round-the-clock availability, faster response times, and can handle multiple queries simultaneously. This efficiency can significantly enhance the user experience, especially during peak times.

How do chatbots handle complex customer queries compared to live chat agents?

When faced with intricate queries, chatbots might generate a ticket for human agents to tackle later. It ensures no query goes unanswered and streamlines the workload for support teams.

Are chatbots capable of providing personalized customer experiences like live chat agents?

Chatbots can offer a degree of personalization when integrated with CRM systems. However, the human warmth and adaptability in live chats are hard to replicate fully. That said, hybrid chatbots merge the best of both worlds, offering significant personalization.

What are the limitations of using a chatbot as opposed to live chat support?

While chatbots and live chat both offer unique advantages, some might argue that chatbots can’t always match the emotional nuance of human agents or tackle intricate problems on the fly. However, with the advancements in technology, AI chatbots have come a long way from the clunky robotic bots of the past. They now offer highly scalable, 24/7 support, massively reduce operational costs, and with continuous training, handle increasingly complex scenarios adeptly, and most importantly are able to deliver incredibly human-like and empathetic conversations on both text and voice channels. When integrated with live chat, chatbots ensure a seamless and efficient customer support experience, combining the best of automation and human touch.

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